
We want pupils to be proud of being part of our new academy. We believe that wearing a practical uniform enhances this feeling of belonging. It is our policy that all children wear school uniform when attending the Academy, representing the Academy, or when participating in Academy-organised events outside normal school hours.  Pupils in Nursery and at the Academy are required to wear the uniform as described below:

  • Dark grey skirt, shorts or trousers together with a light blue polo-shirt (with or without the Academy logo) and dark blue academy sweatshirt or cardigan with the Academy logo.
  • In summer pupils can wear summer blue and white checked dresses (not sun dresses).
  • Black shoes – sensible and safe without flashing heels.
  • Tights or socks should be plain in either white, grey or black.  No patterns or characters.
  • Pupils wishing to wear headscarves may do so and these should be plain and dark in colour.

Pupils can wear plain light blue polo-shirts (available from most supermarkets, etc) or those embroidered with the Inspire emblem however we do stipulate that jumpers and/or cardigans are the official Discovery Academy embroidered uniform.

In addition to the Academy uniform above pupils are required to wear PE kit for games:

  • Black sports shorts and a plain white t-shirt.
  • A pair of pumps or trainers without flashing heels.

If you have any queries please contact the Academy office.

You can find a copy of our Uniform Policy here.

Uniform can be ordered directly from Gooddies using the below link –


We ask that parents please put their child’s name in their uniform to ensure that their uniform is identifiable. You are able to order labels directly from Labelplanet by clicking on the link below. For every order that parents raise school will receive 30% commission.

Click here to order Stikins name labels and raise money for the school.