Welcome to Discovery Academy

Welcome from Mrs Oldham, Principal

Welcome from Mrs Oldham, Principal

Welcome to Discovery Academy. As the Principal of the Academy I hope you will find the information on the website useful in helping you and your child find out more about us. If your child is due to join us we hope that this information will help you to settle them in and become part of our community.

I believe that learning should be of the highest quality for every child, in every lesson, every day. Our Academy values of Discovering, Inspiring, Caring, Improving and Achieving sit at the heart of everything that we do. You can visit our Facebook and Twitter pages to see examples of our values in our learning.

Children learn best when they are happy, safe and are enjoying their time at school and we aim to achieve this for all of our children all of the time. Our Academy has excellent facilities in a brand new building including a wealth of IT and sporting resources and we work hard to ensure that your child will receive a varied and engaging range of experiences during their time with us.

We believe in promoting good health and wellbeing and we are delighted to offer wrap around care at the start and end of the school day along with a range of after school activities which we are continuing to develop.

The most important people in any child’s life and learning are their parents and carers and I want to assure you that we share in your passion for your child’s education. Our home-school partnership is crucial to your child’s development so it is important that we work together to support them in being as good as they can be. It is equally vital that we work in partnership during the times when your child is finding school challenging and we will involve you fully during these times.

We will aim to regularly and clearly communicate your child’s successes and challenges to keep you well informed and fully involved in your child’s progress. Your child will receive homework activities on a regular basis. This could take many forms and we hope that you will support your child with these activities as they play a vital role in underpinning their learning at the Academy.

There are many opportunities to get involved in life at the Academy and we have a Parent Teacher Friends Association and you as parents automatically qualify as a member to help with fund raisers and social events. We would hope to see you at workshops, parent’s evenings, sporting events, presentations and performances – our Celebration Assemblies on a Friday morning are particularly well attended. Please also feel free to offer your services as a volunteer at the Academy.

Finally, I would like to say how excited I am that you are considering or have chosen Discovery Academy for your child. We are one of the newest schools in Tameside and are still excited about growing our staff and pupil numbers and being able to make a real difference to the pupils that join us. Please feel free to come and speak to me about any questions or queries you may have. I am looking forward to a happy and successful partnership with you as we continue to work together to achieve our targets.