Mrs Kirkbride’s Nursery Class

On here you can learn all about what is happening in Nursery and see all of the exciting things we are learning!

Nursery Class Teacher: Mrs Kirkbride


Twitter: @kirkbrideMrs

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Harrison & Miss Tate

Our learning next term:


General Class Information


Each week, the children have exposure to a range of texts through their learning, our book area, ERIC (Everybody Read in Class) session and our end of day story time.

Reading with your child at home is also very important to help provide your child with a love of reading. Each week your child will be visiting our school library and will be bringing a library book home for you to read together.


Homework letters are sent every week explaining the homework that has been set and should be returned to school by the Tuesday of the following week.

Throughout the school day we make observations of your children in play to form part of their foundation stage record. If you notice anything significant at home, for example your child makes something creative or comments on something that they see, you can jot it down on a ‘Discovered at Home’ sheets and send it in to us.  We would love to read them and respond to them with your child!


PE is on a Friday.

Children should not be wearing any jewellery including earrings. If your child does wear earrings, ensure they are taken out before PE.