Mr Robert’s Year 6 Class

Mr. Roberts’ Year 6 Class

On this web page you can find out about all the exciting things taking place in Year 6!

Teacher: Mr. N. Roberts


Twitter: @DiscoveryMrR

Term: Summer 2

Our learning this term:


This half term, we will be carrying out some thematic projects where we will bring together all of our maths skills from Key Stage Two.


This half term will be looking at three text types: we will have a go at writing our own school report, summarising the amazing year we have had, Varmins, a great story showcasing how environments are impacted by people, and a biography, linking to our geography topic of The Great Outdoors.


How do I know that light travels in a straight line by looking at a shadow and how do I prove this?

This term, Year 6 will explore how light travels, how it creates shadows, and how it helps us see!


Do maps have a purpose in modern day society?

Building on everything we learned on our residential about orienteering and navigating with maps, we will have a look at the uses of maps today and why they are important.


Design and Technology

This term, we will be planning, prepping and cooking up a feast to celebrate our end of year. We will have a look at how British food has been inspired by many cultures around the world


Can I use a Micro:bit?

This term, we will be using micro:bit devices to further build on our early coding skills. We will be creating code to achieve a variety of goals and will debug as we go to practise our computing problem solving skills.



This term, we will be working on our end of year production which we are hoping to showcase to our parents at the end of the year. We will use this term to consolidate all our music learning from the year and further building on our singing and group music skills.


Me in the world – This term, we will be looking at how we can describe who we are, where we live, and how we can look after the planet. We will be building up our Spanish vocabulary and speaking short dialogues to one another.


Our PSHE topic for this half term ‘Relationships – Growing Up’. This term, we will be looking at how our bodies change as we are growing up and how our emotions will change too. We will continue our conversations about healthy relationships, specifically focusing on what a healthy relationship looks like as we grow up.

More information about this will be sent out to parents prior to us teaching about sexual relationships.

General Class Information


PE is twice a week on Wednesday and Thursday (some will attend swimming on Friday also).

Your child will participate in a sport and gymnastics/dance lesson every week. It is normally expected for children to have a full PE kit kept in school at all times.

Children should not be wearing any jewellery including earrings for PE. If your child does wear earrings, please could you ensure they are taken out before school on Wednesday and Thursday.


Task – 1 piece of home learning on century which should be independent work and take 10/15 mins – to be completed by Wednesday the following week.

Additional tasks may be provided to support children in filling various gaps in their learning to meet the Year 6 Curriculum guidance.

Reading – The children will be given a reading journal for home. They will be given various reading books throughout the year and will be expected to read independently and complete tasks set out in the front cover of the book.

Times Tables Rock Stars – Children should continue to practice their times tables on TTRS, a minimum of 2 sessions a week  (10 minutes). Various competitions will be set throughout the year.

KS1 and KS2 additional tasks (optional)

Any home learning that your children do independently which is additional to this (such as home projects, research, writing stories, practicing maths concepts etc.) will be rewarded with DoJo’s.

Snack: Snack is to be a piece of fruit or a cereal bar. No chocolate, crisps or sweets are allowed.