Mrs Asaturov’s Year 4 Class

Mrs Asaturov’s Year 4 Class

On this web page you can find out about all the exciting things taking place in Year 4!

Teacher: Mrs Asaturov


Twitter: @DiscoveryYear4

Teaching Assistant: Miss Slinger

Please follow the link here to our meet the teacher presentation.

Term: Spring 1

Our Learning this term:


This half term we will be starting with multiplication and division before moving onto area and perimeter and length. Nearing the end, we will start fractions and decimals. It is important that the children are practicing their times tables throughout.


This half term we will be using our topic of Ancient Greeks to create our own Myth, newspaper and suspense story. We will be using lots of new vocabulary to create the most interesting, creative and original pieces of texts.


Does temperature change the state of something?

In Science, we are learning about states of matter. We will be focusing on how water changes states and how the particles act in a solid, liquid and gas form. And what changes these forms between each other


What influences from Ancient Greek culture can you see in Britain today?

We are focusing on the Ancient Greeks in History this half term. We will be looking at how the Greeks developed democracy and how this is still used around the world to this day.


Still life

In this topic, children are introduced to the still life genre. They will be using things we can look at to complete a picture using different techniques to make their own piece of art.


Why do some people think that life is like a journey and what significant experiences mark this?

The pupil can use his developing religious vocabulary to describe some key features of religions, including religious celebrations and worship. There will be discussions to understand different beliefs and how these can link between individuals.


How and why is data collected over time?

This half term we will look at how data can be collected using sensors. We will then look how to log the information from the sensor and be able to interpret the data to draw conclusions.


How does music effect the way the body moves? 

We will be focusing on the song from Young Voices. As we are getting closer we will have a focus on the actions and how the rhythm of music changes our actions.


In Spanish we are going to be learning how to say things in regards to the family. We will be leaning the nouns for family members and how to describe our own family in Spanish by name, age and relationship.


Respecting Rights.

This topic is inspired by human rights being shared by all people – no matter who they are or where they are from – and that these rights are there to protect all people, enabling them to live happy, safe, healthy and fulfilling lives. We will also explore the ideas of equality and discrimination and the consequences of both. In this unit, children learn about how they can make choices and take actions that respect the rights of others and challenge stereotypes. They will also learn about rules – why we have them and how they help us.

General Class Information

Reading: Each week, the children read a range of texts through their learning. They also take part in whole class or small group Reading sessions where their decoding and comprehension skills are developed with a different reading skill being focused on each day.

Home reading is to practice and consolidate their fluency, expression and comprehension. Children still being taught phonics will take two books home – 1 decodable book and 1 reading for pleasure book. The decodable book is for the children to practice their fluency and expression as well as to show their understanding through questioning. The reading for pleasure book is for the children to share with an adult and to promote a love of reading. If they are past being taught phonics they will be sent home 1 colour banded book to practise decoding and comprehension as well as 1 reading for pleasure book. Please let us know how your child has got on with their reading books using the reading record. We would like you to write a comment each time you hear your child read. If your child is in KS2 they can write in their reading record after they read 2 out of the 3 times they read it that week.

The children will also be listened to at least once every two weeks on a 1-1 basis with their teacher or teaching assistant. The class teacher or teaching assistant will change your child’s book on the day they are listened to read. We will not change a home reading book unless there is a comment in the reading record. If we do not have a comment or a book is not returned for two weeks Mrs Collins, our English curriculum leader, will contact you.

One child per half term will be nominated for being the Reading Hero for their class based on their commitment to home reading. The child will be chosen based on the evidence seen in their reading record and in class. If your child is chosen to be the class Reading Hero they will be given a prize and a certificate and acknowledged in Friday’s good work celebration assembly.


  • Task on Google Classroom due before Wednesday of each week.
  • Read at home at least 3 times
  • Go on TTRockstars twice for 10 min


PE is twice a week on a Wednesday and Thursday.

Your child will participate in a dance lesson and sports/gymnastics lesson every week. It is normally expected for children to have a full PE kit kept in school at all times.

Children should not be wearing any jewellery including earrings for PE. If your child does wear earrings, please could you ensure they are taken out before school on Wednesdays and Thursdays please.

Snack: Snack is to be a piece of fruit or a cereal bar. No chocolate, crisps or sweets are allowed