Miss Crosby Year 3 Class
On this web page you can find out about all the exciting things taking place in Year 3!
Teacher: Miss Crosby
Email: ecrosby@discovery.victoriousmat.org
Twitter: @discoveryMissCr
Teaching Assistant: Miss Goodson Please follow the link here to our meet the teacher presentation.
Term: Spring 2
Our Learning this term:
In English, we will delve into a creative project inspired by the enchanting story The Tin Forest. The students will craft their own imaginative tales, followed by an exciting persuasive advertisement for “stroodles”, a fantastic alternative to plastic straws made from biodegradable ingredients. This activity will foster their storytelling skills and promote awareness about the harmful effects of plastic on our oceans.
In Geography, we will explore “Precious Planet: Our World and Climate Change.” The children will discover the importance of protecting our planet and will discuss how small actions, like reducing waste and recycling, can significantly contribute to combating climate change. We encourage families to think about sustainable practices and how we can all play a part in safeguarding our environment.
Our Design and Technology lessons will focus on Textiles, where students will learn how to reduce waste and create wearable products. They will be encouraged to think critically about reusing materials and will begin designing their own eco-friendly items that combine creativity with sustainability.
In Computing, we will explore data and information through the use of branching databases. The pupils will hone their analytical skills by learning the basics of yes/no questions, a fundamental aspect of database management.
In Religious Education, we will discuss the significance of Pentecost for Christians. The students will reflect on how Jesus’ departure and the subsequent arrival of the Holy Spirit will greatly influence the early Christian community.
In Science, we will investigate fossils and soils, with a particular emphasis on what can be found underground. This exploration will spark curiosity about the Earth and its history.
In music, we will be building on the skills we learned in Autumn 2 and will be finding a beat. We will then look at how finding the beat can improve our ensemble pieces.
For PSHE, we’ll chat about Britain and the rights and responsibilities we all share in our country. Students will dive into discussions about being active citizens and understanding what it means to have rights, making it an interactive and thought-provoking session.
In Spanish, we’ll focus on learning the names of instruments. This fun vocabulary lesson will not only enhance their language skills but also connect them to a richer cultural experience.
Finally, in Maths, we’ll explore length, perimeter, mass and capacity. Through hands-on activities and problem-solving challenges, students will boost their understanding of these concepts while applying them to real-life scenarios.
Online Learning:
Tasks will be set on Century and we encourage children to practise their multiplication knowledge on TTRS weekly.
General Class Information
Reading: Each week, the children read a range of texts through their learning. They also take part in whole class or small group Reading sessions where their decoding and comprehension skills are developed with a different reading skill being focused on each day.
Reading – The children will be given a reading journal for home. They will be given various reading books throughout the year and will be expected to read independently and complete tasks set out in the front cover of the book.
Any home learning that your children do independently which is additional to this (such as home projects, research, writing stories, practicing maths concepts etc.) will be rewarded with DoJo’s.
PE is twice a week on a Tuesday and Thursday.
Your child will participate in a dance lesson and sports/gymnastics lesson every week. It is normally expected for children to have a full PE kit kept in school at all times.
Children should not be wearing any jewellery including earrings for PE. If your child does wear earrings, please could you ensure they are taken out before school on Tuesday and Thursday please.